
Frequently Asked Questions

What is VUUMLY and how does it work?

VUUMLY connects to different shared transportation service providers operating in Latvia, collects the available info and aggregates it before displaying on one app. You still need to have the chosen service provider app for booking the ride.
Same as booking.com help you save time and find the best hotel option, VUUMLY will help you to find the device near you based on your preferences.

What information you can see in VUUMLY?

Number of available device in your area or any other area, filtering options by type of device, pricing for each device and battery charge level for electric devices.

How much VUUMLY app services cost?

VUUMLY app is FREE to use.

What is difference between VUUMLY and Bolt, or other companies like Carguru, Ride?

VUUMLY does not have transport devices of its own to offer for rent. VUUMLY only aggregates transportation devices offered by various companies to provide easier comparison of the available devices.

If I have Bolt, Ride, Citybee and more apps in my device, do I still need download VUUMLY?

We suggest you do! If you use more than one shared transportation service provider, VUUMLY can save you time and energy.

What problem VUUMLY will solve for you?

It will definitely save your time and nerves. :)
Once you find the device you will be able to book it instantly from partner apps. No more lost devices while switching from one app to another and comparing multiply options

Can I pay for a ride via VUUMLY?

Not yet, but we fortunately we are working on it already! 
For now you will be redirected to partner's app to complete your booking.
Meanwhile we are working on making seamless booking experience so you can also have one e-wallet and book any device from VUUMLY.
Follow us on social media and apply for news and be updated on new features.

What countries is VUUMLY available in? 

Currently VUUMLY covers Riga fully and is also present in other big Latvian cities. Recently, VUUMLY has added the first services in Warsawa, Tallin, Vilnius, Helsinki, Bucharest, Sofia and few more cities  thorough the Europe, and there are more to come!

How can I provide feedback about VUUMLY app?

Please feel free to contact on social media, via website or email us at hello@vuumly.com.
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